This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.
The total budgeted cost is £37,660
School overview
School name
High Halstow Primary Academy
Number of pupils in school
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils
18 / 209 = 8.6%
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)
Date this statement was published
September 2021
Date on which it will be reviewed
July 2022
Statement authorised by
Gemma Stangroom – Principal
Pupil premium lead
Rachael Heard – SENCO
Governor / Trustee lead
Sanjay Vadher
Jo Hewitt
David Mead
Disadvantaged pupil progress for last academic year
+6 (+6 non PP)
+4 (+5 non PP)
+6 (+6 non PP)
Disadvantaged pupil performance overview for last academic year
Meeting expected standard at KS2
Achieving high standard at KS2
Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils
Priority 1
To ensure all relevant staff (including new staff) have received training to deliver the phonics scheme effectively.
Priority 2
To rapidly close gaps in writing by engaging in quality texts and rich experiences. To use a trusted spelling scheme to improve pupil spelling across the academy.
Priority 3
To work with the maths hub to develop early number skills and embed the mastery approach across all year groups.
Barriers to learning these priorities address (impact to be seen)
Ensures staff use evidence-based whole-class teaching interventions following impactful CPD to support rapid progress and close gaps e.g. Toe by Toe.
Termly data will show PP children will have made expected or above progress in line with their peers.
Projected spending
Additional staffing cost for TA sessions
CPD for staff-approximately £2,000
Teaching priorities for current academic year
Remember to focus support on disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in phonics check at the end of year 1.
Target date July 2022
Progress in Reading
Achieve above national average progress scores in KS2 Reading
Progress in Writing
Achieve above national average progress scores in KS2 Writing
Progress in Mathematics
Achieve above average KS2 Mathematics progress score
Phonics Attainment
Achieve above national average expected standard in PSC
Improve attendance of disadvantaged pupils so that it is at least in line with their peers (96%)
Targeted academic support for current academic year
Priority 1
To embed use of Beat Dyslexia and Toe-By-Toe across all year groups to increase fluency in reading and reading for pleasure.
Priority 2
To establish and embed small group maths interventions for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations.
Priority 3
To implement small group and 1:1 phonics support for pupils who are not on track to reach the expected standard in phonics.
Barriers to learning these priorities address (impact to be seen)
Encouraging wider reading and providing catch-up in mathematics – typically an area of weakness
Close the gap for pupils with lower starting points in phonics.
Projected spending
Wider strategies for current academic year
Priority 1: Attendance
Improve attendance of disadvantaged pupils so that it is at least in line with their peers (96%).
First Day Calling/medical evidence required if attendance threshold is met. SENCO/Principal to work closely with families with children with poor attendance – implementing Early Help support if required. Attendance clinics to be run by HT/ AAP. AAP to attend twice termly meetings with the school.
Priority 2: Preparation
Invitations to Breakfast Club and support for school uniform, Purchasing school milk for all PP children
Priority 3: SEMH support
Counselling/therapy to be offered to identified pupils , Support staff to run bespoke self-esteem sessions/friendship groups as required.
Barriers to learning these priorities address (impact to be seen)
Pupils’ well-being and confidence will improve allowing academic progress to be made.
There will be a seamless and settled start to the school day for PP children.
Parents will understand the severity of missed days and the impact this has on their child’s education.
Medical evidence requests will ensure that pupils are only absent for serious cases of illness resulting in a reduction of missed days of absence.
Attendance of PP children will show a rise across the school and will be in line with non-PP children.
Pupils’ well-being and confidence will improve allowing academic progress to be made.
Pupils will achieve ARE.
Pupils will be given additional support in the classroom based on individual need to support progress over time.
Teaching and learning will be well-focused with time used effectively to increase pupil progress.
Monitoring will show effective delivery of interventions.
CPD will be given to upskill TA/Teaching staff as required.
Projected spending
Proportion of admin assistant’s salary due to focus on attendance = £2,000
Attendance Advisory Service support – £2,000 approximately
Cost of funding Breakfast Club – £360 per child who attends
Uniform – £300 if needed
School Milk – £42.90 per year per pupil = maximum of £1115.40 (although some will decline it)
Play therapy – £3,750
Dog therapy – £1,250
Total = £11,115 currently
+TA salary for interventions (listed in targeted academic support)
Monitoring and implementation
Having enough capacity to lead the interventions.
Ensuring time is available for staff CPD to impact on T&L
Use of Twilights and INSET Days to provide CPD.
TAs afternoon timetables in place to support class and whole school interventions.
CPD plans in place with dedicated time to allow for CPD.
SEMH needs impacting upon pupil ability to access curriculum
Buy into counselling and therapy services
Poor attendance and unprepared for the school day (food, clothing etc)
Attendance support
Breakfast Club & Milk
Uniform Support