Admissions Arrangements 2024-25

The following document is the schools final document for Consultation of Admission Arrangements for September 2024/2025. 

Application Procedure

The arrangements for co-ordinated admissions in Medway will be set out in detail on the Medway Council website. Children reach compulsory school age at the start of the term following their fifth birthday. Leigh Academy High Halstow Academy will admit four year olds into its Reception Class. The children due to be admitted during the 2024/2025 academic year are those born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. 

NB: Parents have the right to defer entry until the start of Term 3 or after the child’s 5th birthday, if they so wish. 

Parents who wish to apply for admission to the Academy should do so online at the following email address: If parents prefer to complete a paper application form, they should contact the Student Services Admissions Team at Medway Council. 

Depending on the method of application, offers of places will be emailed or posted to parents by Medway Council on behalf of the Academy as stated in the booklet. Parents must accept/refuse the place by the agreed date. 

The planned admission number is 30 pupils. 

Oversubscription Criteria

Following the admission of children with a SEN or Education Health Care Plan, if the number of preferences received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than 30, places will be offered in the following priority order: 

  1. a) Looked after children (children in public care) and previously looked after children.
  2. b) Children previously in Care outside of England – Children who appear to Medway Council to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society. (Parents who believe that they qualify under criterion 1B are advised to send evidence at the time of application directly to the Admissions Team, who will decide if they qualify. The local authority will then inform all preferred schools of the outcome of the decision at the same time that rank lists are made available).
  3. Current family association – brother or sister at school at the time of admission. The definition of this includes step-brothers and sisters and children living as a family unit. 
  4. Child’s health reasons – medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason that requires a child to attend the preferred school. 
  5. Nearness of children’s homes to the school. Distance will be measured in accordance with Medway Council’s criteria. If a child has more than one permanent home address, the nearest will be used for admission purposes.


If in categories 2-4 above, a tie-break is necessary to determine which child is admitted, this will be decided on random allocation. 

Casual Admissions

If you wish to apply for a place at Leigh Academy High Halstow, an Application Form will need to be downloaded and completed. The completed form should either be sent via Royal Mail or scanned and sent electronically to or delivered in person to the Office Manager at Leigh Academy High Halstow. 

Casual Admissions when transferring schools without moving home 

If a parent wishes to transfer their child from another school without moving home, the Principal will contact the child’s current school to ascertain the situation so that our academy is able to offer the correct support should the child be offered a place. It is also expected that the parent/carer of the child, along with the child themselves when appropriate, visit our academy and meet with the Principal before any place will be offered. 

Waiting Lists

If there are no spaces in the year group requested and you wish your child to be placed on a waiting list, please complete the Waiting List Request Form which will be emailed to you upon request. The completed form should either be sent via Royal Mail or scanned and sent electronically to or delivered in person to the Office Manager at High Leigh Academy High Halstow. 

A child’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above. Where places become vacant pupils on the waiting list will be contacted in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.