At Leigh Academy High Halstow we believe that all pupils should have access to a high quality English curriculum that is progressive through Year groups and Key stages so that all pupils can confidently apply to other areas of the curriculum. We believe that all pupils need to be secure in English skills so that they have the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society. We believe that reading underpins all other aspects of learning and believe that pupils should have opportunities to develop their love of reading as well as become competent and confident readers with excellent comprehension skills. We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. We recognise that it is important that pupils are given opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills so that they are able to communicate to discuss their learning and to use it in debate and discussions to further their learning.
- A sequential approach to the reading curriculum develops pupils’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading.
- At all stages, reading attainment is assessed through a range of assessments including reading conferencing, summative and formative assessments which ensures that gaps are addressed timely and effectively for all pupils.
- Reading books in EYFS and KS1 are fully decodable and are closely matched to the pupil’s phonics knowledge.
- Phonics is taught using a government validated programme- Phonics International.
- All Pupils have the opportunity to choose a book for sharing at home to encourage reading for enjoyment.
- Reading books in KS2 are colour banded to support progression across the key stage.
- A whole class reading model is used in KS2 to continue to teach key reading and comprehension skills such as retrieval and inference skills.
- Pupils in KS2 who continue to need support with reading are supported by a range of interventions including toe by toe and Beat Dyslexia.
- Pupils have regular opportunities for reading for enjoyment and use the school library to widen their reading diet and to develop enjoyment for reading further.
- Pupils from Year 2 also have the opportunity to join a council-run library and a library bus visits the school each term so that pupils can choose and change books lent from the library. *Reading is celebrated throughout the Academy through rewards such as ‘30 reads’ and special events during book week.
- Reading underpins the rest of the English curriculum and high quality and engaging texts are used by all teachers as hooks into learning and to support the PYP curriculum.
- In KS2 all classes have a class novel that is used for reading lessons or as a text to share with pupils, read aloud at the end of the day. This ensures that reading is at the heart of the curriculum and is valued both by staff and pupils.
- Reading volunteers are also welcomed into the Academy and hear pupils read 1:1, this is particularly impactful for pupils who do not read at home regularly.
- Phonics results are consistently good.
- Pupils enjoy reading and can discuss their reading preferences and how teachers at the Academy teach reading.
- They can discuss the books they have read in class enthusiastically.
- We strive to create a positive reading culture and to help shape children’s confidence, enthusiasm and love for reading.
- Children will coherently and enthusiastically discuss their learning and the books they have read and also offer opinions and recommendations to adults and their peers.
- We have high expectations that all children reach at least the age-related expectation at the end of each year and ensure that those with gaps in their knowledge receive appropriate support and intervention to progress towards this.
- Our reading curriculum is intended to ensure that all pupils are academically prepared for life beyond primary school and that they are exposed to a range of reading styles.
- We intend to give our children the gift of reading and, in doing so, a pass to all that school and life beyond education has to offer.
At Leigh Academy High Halstow we want to ensure that children develop a love of writing. We want to equip all children with the skills they need to use writing for whatever purposes they need it for and to be proud of what they produce. This is achieved through weaving the National Curriculum for writing through the transdisciplinary themes of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP). However, when necessary some skills are taught discreetly to further enhance learning and pupil understanding.
Pupils have a clear purpose for what they are writing, and an audience, so that they are proud of their writing. We teach all elements of the writing National Curriculum progressively to ensure children have a secure knowledge-base in transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).
Children are provided with high quality learning experiences to enhance their outcomes. Our flexible timetable ensures that lessons provide an opportunity to learn, thrive and master English. High quality texts are carefully selected to inspire and immerse the children in rich vocabulary to further support their creativity when writing narratives.
- In EYFS and Year 1 pupils are taught how to write words through segmenting through daily phonics lessons. Children are also given opportunities to apply this in their environment as well as the practice of common exception words.
- From Year 2 through to Year 6 spelling is taught discreetly.
- Pupils are provided additional opportunities to practice their spellings through their homework
- Grammar and punctuation is mapped to ensure progression across year groups using the national curriculum
- Grammar and punctuation is taught discreetly but is carefully linked where possible to a range of writing outcomes allowing opportunities for pupils to apply skills.
- In EYFS and Year 1 pupils are taught print handwriting
- From Year 2 pupils are taught a cursive handwriting style
- High expectations of handwriting and presentation are held by all staff
- Writing is embedded as part of our inquiry lessons
- Pupils are taught a clear sequence of writing to ensure they have opportunities to generate ideas, conduct research, plan, revise and evaluate their writing.
- Pupils are given the opportunity to write for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
The impact on our children is that they have the knowledge and skills to be able to write successfully for a purpose and audience. With the implementation of the writing sequence being established and taught in both key stages, children are becoming more confident writers and have the ability to plan, draft and edit their own work. By the end of key stage 2 children have developed a writer’s craft, they enjoy sustained writing and can manipulate language, grammar and punctuation to suit the writing outcome. As all aspects of English are an integral part of the curriculum, cross curricular writing standards have also improved and skills taught in the English lesson are transferred into other subjects; this shows consolidation of skills and a deeper understanding of how and when to use specific language, grammar and punctuation