At Leigh Academy High Halstow our aim is to develop children’s understanding and curiosity about Religious Education. The teaching of RE skills will enable children to know and understand a range of religions and worldviews, express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and world views. They will be able to discuss similarities and differences between faiths as well as make links to their own beliefs and opinions. Our approach aims to nurture inquisitive minds that respect and tolerate people of all cultures, backgrounds, faith and beliefs.
Our schools follow the Kent agreed syllabus for the teaching of RE which focuses on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. As children progress through school they learn about key celebrations, religious buildings, books, stories, ideas and opinions in a way that suits their age, understanding and development.
The teaching of skills is progressive and promotes inquiry based, open-ended learning that encourages questioning, making comparisons, explaining, expressing, discussing, exploring religious stories and vocabulary, developing insight, knowledge, empathy and respect.
From Reception to Year 6, different faiths and cultures are celebrated in various ways through RE lessons, PYP inquiries and assemblies which include a weekly assembly from our local church leader, Reverend Gwilt and termly assemblies from a Christian Charity- The Family Trust.
The impact our RE curriculum is sought in a number of ways, including:
- Pupil’s voice
- Through connections made during other Transdisciplinary inquiry
- Action that individuals, year groups or the whole school take part in
- Through the respect that pupils show for others of different faiths and beliefs to their own
The teaching of RE skills enables pupils to know and understand about a range of religions and worldviews, express ideas about the nature, significance and impact of religions and world views. Religious Education fulfils a vital role within the curriculum and is relevant to all pupils, regardless of their religious (or non- religious) background. It introduces them to a world beyond their own experience of culture and belief, enabling them to make links between their own lives and that of those in their community and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people’s cultures, reasons for being and ways of life. As such, R.E. is invaluable in a rapidly changing world.