Our school aims are to ensure that all of our children:
- ‘aspire, achieve and excel’ in their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual development
- are safe, well, happy and learning to the best of their ability
- develop as well rounded citizens
To help your child achieve their best we will:
- Provide a happy, safe and welcoming environment for your child to learn
- Provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum to meet the needs of all its pupils
- Treat each pupil as an individual
- Offer a high standard of teaching across the curriculum
- Provide opportunities for home learning
- Encourage your child to do their best at all times
- Contact you promptly with any concerns we have that may affect your child’s learning or behaviour.
- Keep you regularly informed of your child’s progress
- Be welcome and open to all parents and offer you opportunities to become actively involved in school life
- Listen sensitively to your concerns and suggestions and work with you for the benefit of your child
- Be consistent with our policies
To help my child achieve their best at school I will:
- Ensure my child has 100% attendance.
- Arrives on time and is collected on time at the end of the school day
- Inform the school as soon as possible should my child be absent for any reason
- Not take my child out of school for a holiday during term time
- Support and uphold our behaviour expectations
- Not use inappropriate language on school property
- Treat staff with respect
- Ensure my child wears the correct school uniform
- Ensure that home learning is completed carefully and handed in on time
- Read with my child regularly at home
- Support and encourage my child to make good progress
- Inform the school of any concerns that may affect my child’s learning or behaviour
- Work with the school to support my child’s learning and behaviour – try our best!
- Attend parent/carer consultations and discussions about my child’s progress
To help me do well at school I will:
- Follow our school expectations
- Aspire to have impeccable behaviour
- Do my best in class
- Arrive to school on time in correct uniform
- Bring appropriate equipment ready for learning
- Complete my home learning carefully and hand it in on time
- Look after our school and its equipment
- Be polite and friendly to staff, other pupils and visitors