
Safeguarding Team

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Gemma Stangroom
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) – Alice Limb, Emma Smith
  • Looked After Child Coordinator (LACC) – Gemma Stangroom
  • Online Safety Coordinator – Gemma Stangroom
  • Person Responsible for Children with Medical Needs – Gemma Stangroom
  • Attendance Officer – Jackie Line

Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement

At Leigh Academy High Halstow  we aim to promote outstanding educational experiences that inspire all learners to set their sights high, to achieve to the best of their abilities, and to excel in all that they do in order to prepare them to live and work as successful, active citizens.

The Leigh Academies Trust recognises that schools have a crucial role to play in helping to identify welfare concerns and indicators of possible abuse or neglect at an early stage.  All staff have a full and active part to play in protecting and safeguarding the children in our care; our pupils’ welfare is our paramount concern.

Please refer to the ‘Policies’ page in the ‘About’ tab for our Safeguarding Policy.

Our ‘Child Friendly’ Pledge to keep children safe at HHPA

“High Halstow is our school and we want it to be a safe place! The adults in High Halstow will do everything they can to make sure you are protected and happy. To help them do this, they have lots of rules to follow. This pledge helps you understand what Safeguarding means to you and to help you decide what could be a ‘ problem’ and who you should talk to.”

The adults in school think that Safeguarding means that they should:

  • Protect you from harm
  • Make sure nothing stops you being healthy or developing properly
  • Make sure you are safely looked after
  • Make sure you have the best life chances and can grow up happy and successful

They agree that to make sure they look after you they will:

  • Make the school a friendly, welcoming and supportive place to spend time in somewhere you want to be
  • Be there for you to talk to if you need to and know who to ask for help
  • Give you safe messages in your lessons to help you learn how to look after yourself both online and in the real world
  • Have all the right rules in place to help look after you. They will follow these rules all of the time (these are sometimes called Policies)”

What is abuse?

Any form of neglect, physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to harm or injury. It can happen to any child regardless of their age, gender, race or ability.

What is discrimination?

When people receive less favourable treatment on any grounds which cannot be justified. This covers race, ethnic or national origin, language, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, disability, social class, responsibility for other dependent or where the person lives.

What is bullying?

A wilful, conscious attack on the self-esteem or the person or an individual student. It may include jibes, name-calling, silence/exclusion from the social circle, emphasising different, threatening behaviour, racial/sexual harassment, extortion and physical attacks. It may vary in severity, frequency and in the numbers of people involved and usually this happens frequently, over a long period of time.

People working in school are uniquely placed to notice signs and symptoms of abuse and to support children who are subject to abuse or living in abusive situations.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)

For further information on supporting your child’s wellbeing and raising awareness of online child exploitation, please click here to visit the CEOP website.

CEOP – ThinkUKnow