At High Halstow Hatchlings nursery we have provided a well-structured, safe, active and challenging learning environment, both indoors and outdoors: where children will be able to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding that enables them to be successful learners. We provide an environment which is rich in wonder and allows for memorable experiences that spark children’s natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge.
Learning is enhanced by adult-led sessions where the children engage in focused learning including phonics, maths and PYP sessions.High Halstow Hatchlings nursery uses ‘In the Moment Planning’. This allows us to act upon your child’s learning and development needs at that moment. Staff will observe children at play and use their skills to support and extend learning.
Each child will build up an online Learning Journey journal on Tapestry throughout their time in the Nursery. Learning Journeys are individual to the child and contain photographs and evidence of their learning. As parents you will have access to the online journey throughout the year where you will be able to view and celebrate your child’s learning moments, communicate with teachers and receive announcements and updates from the school.
Snacks and Meals
A morning and afternoon snack will be provided by the nursery, this includes a piece of fruit and a carton of milk.
If your child is staying for the lunch period they have the choice of bringing a packed lunch from home or having a cooked dinner for an additional cost of £2.40 per day unless they are entitled to an Early Years Pupil Premium free school meal.