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We aim to explain in more detail about what it is like to be a member of Year 5 by sharing some key ways that we learn during the day. We hope this supports you to further support your child.

click here to see what we're learning in this module

Please click on the link below to view the whole school curriculum overviews and subject specific information.

PYP Curriculum framework and subject overviews

maths (number and numerical pattern)

  • Mastery Approach – Our maths curriculum is centred around a ‘Mastery Approach’. The aim is to ensure pupils have mastered and understood key concepts before moving on: using more difficult/higher numbers does not mean a child has a better understanding; rather, it is best that the child is able to access the learning in a wider range of contexts, the child can give detailed explanations and approach problem solving tasks.
  • White Rose – We follow the White Rose scheme to sequence maths lessons. This ensures that there is a progression of skills within the academic year, but also across all years. On the curriculum overviews, which are shared with home at the start of each module, the maths skills we are focusing on can be seen. On the White Rose website, there are home learning videos which show you clearly how to help your child complete the activity. If we have been learning short division, for example, you will be able to find an equivalent video to support further at home.

Click here to view the year 5 home learning videos

  • Maths Champions – This scheme has been designed by High Halstow staff. The scheme maps out individual targets which the children can work on at home. Children are set their targets by their teacher and are assessed on the target by the teacher to move on to the next target.

click here for more information

  • The children’s individual targets can be found on the Google Classroom: Classwork > Home Learning > Maths Champions Target.
  • Maths Masters – This is an additional 10-15 minute focus on maths which happens outside of the main daily maths lesson every day. The focus is on arithmetic and recall of basic skills. Children are given an arithmetic test paper, the teacher decides what to teach based on the pupils’ results in order to develop key skills and then pupils are given the same arithmetic paper again at the end of the two week cycle. The aim is for the pupils to see an improvement in their scores. Children are told their scores each time so they will be able to share these with you.
  • TTRS – TTRS is a fun and challenging programme which is designed to help the children master their times tables. There are different game plays: Jamming, time-free game, Gig, allows for assessment, Garage, teacher set times tables and more! Logins are at the back of your child’s reading record book so that this can be worked on at home.

click here to go to the ttrs website

  • Multiplication -Times tables should be learnt in the order: 10, 2, 5, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. Children should have learnt their 10, 2 and 5 times tables in year 2. They then need to know their 3, 4 and 8 by the end of year 3. By the end of Year 4 children should be secure with all of their times tables up to 12. Children should be able to automatically recall these facts including division facts. For example: 3 x 4 = 12 and 24 ÷ 4 = 6. Children should also be taught strategies such as using doubles (3 x 4, 3 x 2 = 6, 6 + 6 = 12), finding a more familiar times table (9 x 3,10 x 3 = 30, 30 – 3 = 27), etc. so that they have strategies to answer questions even if they do not know the answers.
  • Multiplication Check – Last year, your child would have taken part in the ‘multiplication check’. This is done towards the end of  year 4, where all children nationally take part. They are tested on all of their times tables.

Click here for more information

english (literacy)

  • Targets – In the front of each child’s English book, they have an individual target. Pupils should be aware of their target and so should know what they need to work on. This is updated when enough evidence of success is seen in their books to move on to a new target.
  • Core texts – Click here to view our core texts.
  • Reading – It is important for children to read daily however this does not need to be for a lengthy amount of time or a strenuous task. Conversation around the text is just as important as word reading in order to help support comprehension.
  • Buster’s Book Club – an initiative that encourages the children to read at home. The class works collaboratively to be the class who has read the most minutes in the school. It encourages the reading of any reading material, not just the children’s banded reading book.
  • Spellings – In school, we follow the Jane Considine scheme. It teaches spelling by helping children to make connections rather than rote learning. The scheme works on a two week cycle. At the start of the cycle, pupils are introduced to fifteen new words. Over the two weeks, children find words which also have the focus phonemes for each word. For example, descend, the focus phoneme is sc, so words such as scent would be a sound association word. Daily lessons with different spelling focuses are taught and then at the end of the two weeks, the children participate in a Go Grapheme Grafter lesson. They have twenty seconds to spell each of the fifteen words (the main focus is on spelling the focus phoneme correctly), then one minute to work collaboratively to list sound association words.
  • EdShed – This site/app is not related to Jane Considine however children can use it at home to support with spelling practise.

click here to go to the edshed website

google classroom

Check at least weekly for updates on the Google Classwork for suggestions of work to do at home to support your child.

what we're learning 2024-25

who we are

Central Idea:
‘Changes that individuals and communities experience affect their sense of identity.’

We will be reading:

  • ‘The Saga of Erik the Viking’ by Terry Jones

The maths skills we are focusing on are:

  • Number: Place Value
  • Addition & Subtraction

In our lines of enquiry, we will explore:

  • How the actions of others affect lives
  • Changes that individuals and communities experience over time
  • How migration over time has created a diverse Britain

For homework please engage in:

Daily reading and discussion about the text. 

Use of apps promoted by the academy such as Times Tables Rockstars, Ed Shed and Language Nut. Please see the front of your child’s link book for all of their login details. 

If you choose to engage in some home learning about the inquiries shown above please share any experiences via Google Classroom.

In Year 5, there will also be weekly homework from Term 2 (after October half-term). This will be set through Google Classroom each Friday, to be completed and handed in (either in person or digitally) by the following Wednesday. We will go through homework in class each Wednesday. Homework will be a maths recap worksheet and a weekly SPaG quiz.

how we express ourselves

Central Idea:
‘Sport has brought people together throughout history’

We will be reading:

  • ‘Halo’ by Zizou Corder

The maths skills we are focusing on are:

  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions

In our lines of inquiry, we will explore: 

  • If ancient civilizations had organised sport.
  • How the Olympics have changed over time.
  • How diet and exercise contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

For homework please engage in:

Daily reading and discussion about the text.

Use of apps promoted by the academy such as Times Tables Rockstars, Ed Shed, Language Nut and MyON.  Please see the front of your child’s Reading Record book for all of their login details.

Starting this term, there will also be weekly homework. This will be set through Google Classroom each Friday, to be completed and handed in (either in person or digitally) by the following Wednesday. We will go through homework in class each Wednesday. Homework will be maths and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar).

Module 3 Knowledge Organiser PDF

For homework please engage in:

Daily reading and discussion about the text.

Use of apps promoted by the academy such as Times Tables Rockstars, Ed Shed, Language Nut and MyON. Please see the front of your child’s Reading Record book for all of their login details.

If you choose to engage in some home learning about the inquiries shown above please share any experiences via the Google Classroom.

There may be additional homework set via Google Classroom from time to time linked to current learning.

How the World Works

Central Idea:
‘Scientific and technical advances help us understand the Earth and its place in the solar system.‘

We will be reading:

  • ‘Phoenix’ by S.F. Said

The maths skills we are focusing on are:

  • Fractions
  • Decimals & percentages

In our lines of enquiry, we will explore:

  • The solar system.
  • Human exploration of space.
  • The role of innovation and technological advances in space exploration.

For homework please engage in:

Daily reading and discussion about the text.

Use of apps promoted by the academy such as Times Tables Rockstars, Ed Shed, Language Nut and MyON. Please see the front of your child’s Reading Record book for all of their login details.

If you choose to engage in some home learning about the inquiries shown above please share any experiences via the Google Classroom.

There may be additional homework set via Google Classroom from time to time linked to current learning.

sharing the planet

Central Idea:
‘Individuals can have great impact on the way society behaves.’

We will be reading:

  • ‘Brave Leaders’ by Ciaran Murtagh.

The maths skills we are focusing on are:

  • Shape
  • Perimeter & Area
  • Statistics

In our lines of enquiry, we will explore:

  • Our responsibilities as global citizens.
  • National and global movements and those that inspired them.
  • The characteristics of a great leader.

For homework please engage in:

Daily reading and discussion about texts.

Use of apps promoted by the academy such as TTRS, Ed Shed, Language Nut and MyON. Please see the front of your child’s Link Book for all of their login details. If you choose to engage in some home learning about the inquiries shown above please share any experiences via the Google Classroom. 

Weekly homework will continue to be set via Google Classroom each Friday, linked to current learning. As before, this homework is due back the following Wednesday.