At High Halstow, our intention is to empower our pupils to be reflective, open minded thinkers, that will leave primary school with the skills needed to prepare them for the transition to secondary school.
Our Science curriculum is planned to provide all students, including disadvantaged and SEND pupils, the knowledge and skills to be successful in further education and their intended careers. Throughout the transdisciplinary themes of the IB framework, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills.
We map pupils’ development of skills in working scientifically to be built upon and developed throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of Science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently. As scientists, our pupils aim to be critical thinkers that question and extend their knowledge through engagement in working scientifically.
- Teachers continuously develop curriculum knowledge and leaders are able to provide support if needed.
- Teachers are creative and practical in their approach to teaching, with the ability to support children in retaining knowledge.
- By creating a positive attitude to learning in science, teachers also reinforce the high expectations of achieving high standards. This is done by encouraging children to solve problems, think creatively and ask their own questions.
- Teachers are also able to support pupils in thinking scientifically, such as making predictions based on knowledge of theories.
- Working scientifically skills are embedded into lessons alongside core knowledge of schemas.
- Teachers use progression maps including vocabulary progression to develop pupils’ vocabulary.
- Extra curricular activities, visits and visitors are offered to complement the curriculum. Events, such as Science Week, also give children the provision to apply their knowledge and skills.
- Teachers and pupils use diagrams to share understanding of key concepts and theories.
- Teachers use in the moment conferencing to provide timely feedback and move pupils’ learning on rapidly.
Assessment tools allow staff to regularly monitor the progress of pupils and provide evidence for robust monitoring of our curriculum. Pupils are also involved in both monitoring and providing feedback to staff on the science curriculum as ‘Science Ambassadors’. Therefore, pupils regularly discuss the impact of their experiences of teaching and learning in relation to Science.
Engaging and high quality Science lessons provide children with the knowledge they need for understanding the world around them. Children talk positively about their experiences in science lessons and remember the core knowledge that underpins practical tasks that they have engaged in. Teachers are confident in their subject knowledge and share enthusiasm for the subject due to successful and continuous professional development opportunities.
Our pupils’ books reflect the development of their skills and knowledge year-on-year. As their knowledge increases, pupils are able to, with increasing independence, select scientific equipment, collate results and become confident in drawing conclusions. Our children talk confidently about both their science knowledge and their thinking skills.
Misconceptions are regularly identified and addressed in the moment as well as there being evidence of teachers planning to expose common misconceptions. Opportunities for real time feedback in science enable children to reach their full potential. Many pupils with SEND excel in science lessons due to their love for the subject and the scaffolding provided by staff.