
On the rare occasion that your child is unwell you must telephone the school as early as possible to inform us that they will be absent.  If a telephone call is not received the School will contact you to ensure your child is safe and request the reason for absence. Please telephone 01634 251098.

During the School day, if your child feels unwell or has an accident they must tell a teacher straight away.  They will then be assessed by an appropriate member of staff.

If your child is too unwell to remain at the School or if hospital treatment is necessary, the Academy will contact you to make suitable arrangements.

If parents have concerns they are to contact the School Office.

Leigh Academy High Halstow understands the need for pupils to take medication from time to time, however it is Academy Policy that only prescribed medication is permitted.  These are stored securely with the relevant phase team.  Under no circumstances will children be allowed to carry non-prescribed medicines or be issued them by staff members.

Children should not be at school if they are too unwell to attend. If this is the case, parents are asked to contact the school as early as possible to let us know not to expect your child in school.

If a child has sickness or diarrhoea, they are not allowed to return to school for 48 hours after the last episode of illness.

There are some other illnesses and circumstances which may mean that we need to make alternative arrangements to ensure the health and wellbeing of your child and others.  If you are aware of any condition which affects your child’s health, please tell us as it may affect others too.

Attendance is monitored closely by our Attendance Advisory Practitioner from Medway Council.

You will receive an update on your child’s attendance at least three times a year. If your child is unable to attend school please call the office by 9am.

Finally, please keep your contact information up to date so that we can always contact you if we need to.

The document below is a helpful for parents, but please be sure to always inform the school that your child is unwell and the expected duration of the absence.